Sunday, February 14, 2010

Mobile Video Clips

I admit, I am a movie addict! When I'm not working, I do prefer staying at home, do nothing but watch the latest movie flick. I usually watch movies on line and sometimes, I rent dvds especially when my friend Ice recommends a good movie she watched way back, normally oldies one. Due to my movie addiction, I'm always finding ways on how I can watch one even when I'm not at home - like downloading one to my mobile phone. It would be a great idea as I always take a bus on my way home and an hour of travel is unbearable especially if there's a heavy traffic. It's a good thing that there is a site called CinemaMob - it is a site where you can get unlimited access to mobile video clips. This is the first time I've heard of such a site so I am really excited. Now I can download clips from my favorite movies without paying too much. Now, traveling to and from the office would be a breeze with my favorite movie clips on my mobile phone.

0 nakiemote:

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thanks sa pakikiemote friendship...balik ka ha...
