Anyways, our shift is light. It's a good thing they did'nt have me reskilled to HN split so since I am still on DSL - our avail time is longer, max of 30 mins. I hope the que would still be like this next week. It's my last day this week and tomorrow is my rest day! Finally! Coached called for a meeting and discussed SOPAS - which stands for "State of the Program Address" - he discussed our goals...where we stand in the call center industry, how we performed last year and what we would expect for the coming year. The meeting went well until we felt a commotion as Mamu, my gay friend started to share some concerns about how coach lead the team. He started saying he does'nt feel appreciated but instead hears negative remarks on event the littlest flaws he made. Everyone is tense as Mamu continue to show dissapproval on what our coach is saying and honestly...I feel for both of them. I feel Mamu's dissappointment as he constantly pass his scorecard and yet TL never commended him. I feel TL's situation as I know he was caught off guard...he never expected Mamu would tell him his concerns right there in the middle of the meeting where most of the team are present. Coach asked Mamu to stay after the meeting. We all went back to our stations but I never received a call after that. After shift, we decided to eat at Robinson's - that's when Mamu told us what he told Coach. He was able to tell him all his concerns and was happy Coach understood him. He also received a text from TL saying how much he appreciate his efforts and that he would change from now on. It's good to hear that our coach is open to any suggestions and did not took any concerns personally. Mamu said he asked coach if he could apply for a one month leave and I believe TL would grant it. Haaay, just thinking how long one month would be without my best gay buddy on the floor makes me cry. I don't want him to go but as a sister, I know he needs to rest. I know he wants something more than what he have right now and if leaving CVG would open a door for a much greater opportunity - I would be the first person to persuade him to leave. I just hope he would give me some time to absorb all his plans so I could also adjust.
That's the hardest thing for me to tackle - LEAVING. I don't want anyone to leave me especially people I love... but I know it's inevitable. I just hope God would give me the strength to face any changes that would happen and I hope He would stay with me when everyone's gone...
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thanks sa pakikiemote friendship...balik ka ha...