I've made a very crucial decision today and I know it would change everything in my life. I've decided to lose weight. I made a promise to myself that this 2009 - I'll gonna do everything to revive back who I was 5 years ago. I want to get back everything I lost and lose everything I gained. I hope and pray I would be a different person a year from now. I want a more confident, more beautiful and a happier Myles and I would do everything to be what I want to be. I've weigh myself today and I can't believe my eyes...a whooping 80 kilos (approx. 176 lbs) showed up on the scale. I almost cried. I can't believe how I taken my body for granted. How I abused myself. How I lost self control. I promise I would be different from now on. I know I still have so much to do and I don't want to die young because of some sickness associated with obesity. I must act now and work on my
diet plan so I hurriedly got my ipod and did some aerobics. I also drunk a slimming tea and would try drinking fitrum later. I can't believe how I abused myself and I hope losing weight would be easier for me this time.
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thanks sa pakikiemote friendship...balik ka ha...