Seven Strange Things About Me
1) I have a strange sleeping habbit. Working in a call center - I've learned to manage my sleeping time! Especially when my shift is from 10pm to 7am...I usually have my sleep in installment. I'll gonna sleep at around 9 am and wake up at 11 am for lunch...then sleep again at around 3pm and wake up at 5pm...would usually check and update my blog for at least an hour and go back to sleep at 6:00 pm and wake up at 8:30 - ready to go to work. seems my waking hours are spend just to eat and blog! strange huh!
2) I am not into branded things. I don't normally splurge on things that are too expensive just because they are branded (especially if I'll be the one to pay for it). I am also a certified "tiangge queen" - just look at my other blog -> and you'll know what I mean.- kuripot ba? nah - just call it practical.
3) I am afraid of being pregnant. I don't know but just thinking of pushing the baby out of my body is horrifying. I hope I would overcome this fear as I know there will come a time that I need to decide as to wether or not I want to have a baby.
4) I used to have a "big" crush on Barry Manilow when I was still in my elementary days. whenever I remember that phase in my life.... I always laugh! How could it possibly be? A ten year old girl idolizing a 50 year old pop icon?! What's strange is that when my classmate told me that he is gay because the Mandy he is referring to in his hit song Mandy is a man - I slapped his face! hahaha!
5) I am mama's bunso and papa's panganay...
6) I'm a balut lover!
and lastly I'm now a blog addict! can't last a day without checking on!
Here Are The Rules:
1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.
now i am tagging idealpinkrose , bluedreamer , Gagiers Amazing World, Angel of the Waters, Malensky , Shengs Simple Thoughts ,and Nora's Family Treasures.
36th Week
8 years ago
4 nakiemote:
thanks for this! i'll try to do it soon!
gheeeh thanks emotera ill add it on my list of tags thanks
and have a great day
ty for posting this..balut lover, cool:-)
hi sis, thanks for this tag...nagawa ko na ito noong bago pa ako sa blogging world..but i think it's fun to answer it again...parang dumarami kasi nag iiba kasi ang strange habit ko...heheheheh...gonna post it soon on my blog sis...thanks a lot!
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thanks sa pakikiemote friendship...balik ka ha...