Sunday, October 20, 2013 0 nakiemote

On Getting Back My Life

I'm back! It's been ages since the last time I posted anything in this project blog of mine. This used to be my favorite blog...I put in all my thoughts and insights in here but it's been stagnant for a while. Good thing, I've got the courage to write again...thanks to my new office mate Vanessa who inspired me to revive back my passion to pursue my blogging career - to develop myself and to earn extra cash.

Just to give you an update on where I am on my jouney in life now...I just recently resigned from my previuos job as a Call Center Professional. I've been promoted before to be a part of the RST Team (Resolution Support Team) and I've been so happy with that role. Our responsibilities would be helping agents with their troubleshooting steps, answering their questions, getting Supervisory Calls and Escalated calls and calling their customers if they feel the caller is not happy with the resolution they provided. The team I was assigned to was great, I had a lot of fond memories with them...however, the team had an issue with their Team Lead and I was caught between the two. I won't elaborate further with this but it's not the reason why I left the company. The reason why I resigned is because another opportunity came knocking at my door, and it's an opportunity that is hard to resist.

I'll blog about how it all started and how I came about to this decision of leaving the company I served so well for the past 7 years. For now, let me just welcome myself back in my own little blogging world and I hope this would be the beginning of my blogging habit one more time.
